Rhonda Duffaut, PhD
Certified Hatha Yoga & meditation instructor
I’m here to help you thrive.
I aid people to connect body, breath, and mind for improved physical, emotional, and mental health.
Overcome your obstacles
Identify your starting point
I’ll help you get started on your yoga journey. It’s not as hard as you think.
Join me on the mat
An in-person class is where real progress is made. Yoga is for all body types and conditions.
Private lessons
Make real progress faster and with greater ease. One on One practice is the best way to have your needs met.
Benefit from discounted package offerings and ask about an education discount.
Rhonda Duffaut - Author of Mindfulness: A Teenager's Guide to Managing Stress and Life Decisions.
This book brings the ancient practice of yoga from India into context for teenagers in today's world where so many of them experience anxiety, lack of self-respect, and the inability to focus on academic tasks. At a time in life when extreme physical, mental, and emotional changes are occurring, Mindfulness: A Teenager's Guide to Managing Stress and Life Decisions, offers a simple but powerful approach to better manage those changes on their path to adulthood in language teens understand. Offering mindfulness practices on and off the mat in the form of meditations, and physical yoga sequences, this book shows a path of transforming the life of teenagers.
Introduction to Yoga
Your first step to feeling great begins here.